Tag Archives: poetry

Daddy’s Girl

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Daddy's Girl

lessons in the desert he said leaving is never easy and she walked out the door a dust devil came for her soul as she realized she wouldn’t see him anymore the dreams still haunt her what could have been and things left unsaid did she ever really know him or was it all in her head the desert sun… Read more »


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she stood in the nights’ freezing air crying for their love slowly he boarded the bus turning back every step she waved, he smiled love was in her eyes when they pulled away farther than before she had so much faith in her love the tears just streamed down her cheek he vowed to return but no one ever really… Read more »


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They don’t see me I live in the shadow of her memory When I speak, it’s her words they hear I scream I plead; I rage against them There is nothing; it’s futile to try. I am not her living memory – I am me She was once, but now I am Not dishonoring her, I am just me Plainly… Read more »