Team Sidney

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I am just so proud of Sidney – how even though he was on a team of rivals from the NHL he did so well. Sidney was the sportsman we all know him to be. I am so thankful that there are people in sports that are decent human beings. I had but lost all hope. And I know right about now the haters are making fun of him and calling him names … but deep down you just wish you had Sidney in your corner because he shows time and time again how he LOVES hockey and all of the hype doesn’t matter to him. He only wants to play and win. Unlike the Sean Penn of the NHL Ovechicken who likes to smash little girls cameras and dreams.

Yeah I rooted for Canada – but had it not been for Sidney I wouldn’t have watched the Olympics at all much less rooted for USA … so those who are bitter about me not being patriotic … suck it. Seriously, if you know me even a little bit you know I am not ashamed to root for my boys. Since I call Germany home and the only thing domestic about me is I was born in the USA. It’s a big world out there and we are not even the center of the planet much less the universe so get over it. YAY for Sidney and Team Canada!! WTG Boys! *Mwah*

One more thing – I fell hard for the Penguins and Sidney during a horrible losing streak. I loved how they played together as a team – how quit is never an option. It was before they won the cup but if you want to call me a bandwagon fan – or a puck bunny. Knock yourself out. Just hope we won’t ever meet because this fangrrl just might kick your whining hater ass.