I was in Florida for my birthday visiting family. Someone should send those people the memo, Florida is NOT supposed to be cold. It was warmer here in Chapel Hill. But anywhooze – we made the best of it.
Thirty-seven years and this is what I have learned.
You can’t love anyone until you love yourself.
Laughing at yourself and others isn’t a crime. Sometimes funny shit happens.
There is no point in getting upset over spilled milk or doggy pee — clean it up.
Unconditional love is the ONLY kind there is – everything else is an act.
A “BUT” after an apology isn’t an apology at all.
Dogs make the best leg warmers.
If you can smile through the pain, there is hope.
No one knows you better than you know yourself.
Do what you need to be happy – the rest falls into place.
No matter how much you pretend, the TRUTH is always there.
Some of the things that changed for me this past year.
I started therapy. I never had before, and I didn’t know until I wasn’t depressed that I even was – funny the things you learn when you aren’t watching for them.
I fell hard for HOCKEY. I don’t watch all the teams just the Penguins – but I love the sport, it is so fast, and graceful .. and VIOLENT. It is a lovely way to spend some time. Go Pens!!
I took a few irons out of my fire – afraid at first that I would feel like a failure because I wasn’t keeping up my share, but I realized I was doing more than my share and it was hurting me. Fibro is unjust and will stop you cold if you don’t watch yourself. I was running on empty. I realized it – made changes and now I am at a point where I can without guilt say NO to projects if I know it will hurt me in the long run. That is a significant step for me.
This year I am not sure what will happen, but I have hopes and some penciled in plans. = )