When you are back in town, all sorts of strange things happen. Like you find out the car you crushed over in high school is still owned and loved by the same guy. That is good to know.
I have had some odd feelings being here. Old memories but no attachment like it is home.
We saw my cousin at the ice cream stand with his boys and their softball team getting after game ice cream and rolled down the window to chat a bit and the four-way stop. Feel so local.
Small town life isn’t bad. But I am glad I am not here every day anymore. With a small town, life comes small minds.
I am glad that I did most of my growing up in Germany and areas where variety was the spice of life, and sometimes to look back and be grateful for what I have now.
To think in high school I was the slacker girl; my “popular” cousin shunned me because I didn’t do or say the right things — they are still here and never got very far away from their beginning. My beginning is long behind me, and I am growing and moving forward with every step. I have my mom and dad to thank for that. Mostly Mamma for seeing that this was no place to raise a child. = )