Merriam Webster defines judgment as opinion. And I really do try not to judge people too harshly because I don’t know what they are going through. Everyone deals with life in their own way. BUT (and you knew there was a but coming right?), there are things that I will judge you for and unless YOU change I won’t let go of that judgment. It will forever alter my opinion of you. Do I think you should care? Well, I don’t care what people think of me so I can’t say others should care what I think of them – however, my LINE is pretty fine so chances are if I think you are douchey because of these few things. A lot of people will think you are douchey, so there is that to consider.
My line in the sand …
1. Do not buy an animal from a pet shop or breeder when you could do 10 minutes of research online and find the same breed / critter that you are wanting to bring into your home and save a life. If you do not KNOW that said animal is right around the corner and I do the leg work for you and send you the link and you still go to your best friend’s cousin’s husband’s sister who breeds designer dogs to get your pet — congrats you have just won douche of the year.
2. If you believe that gay men and women don’t deserve to marry the person they love because some crappy book written 2000 years ago tells you so. I am judging you. Even worse when you say “I love the bible, and I am not a bigot – I have gay friends, I just believe marriage is between a man and woman”. Yes, you are a bigot. There are few things that get under my skin like “I’m not (racist, a bigot, homophobic, etc). Some of my best friends are (black, atheist, gay etc)”.
3. Put your shopping cart in the hopper or back to the store. Do not just leave it by your car, or half on the curb.
The rest I can work with.