Dream a little dream

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Lately, my dreams have been crazy. All over the place and pulling every emotion out of me. Luckily I do not remember them long after I wake – but I am waking up to a sense of “WHAT THE HELL?” they are just weird.

This may be the pre-surgery jitters working out. It could be that Sidney hasn’t been on the ice in a while – (YES I have dreams about Sidney on the ice!!!)

I have been calm in the dreams even when everything is going crazy. The one I had last night was a bit of two things… trying to get to safety after something caused radiation to be a problem – I can’t remember if it was a nuclear reactor or a war. Either way, I was level-headed and was packing up the truck and a horse trailer with supplies and my critters. I knew I had to get to a particular place to be safe and I was working on making that happen.

It was weird. When I think back on it, I wonder why I wasn’t a nervous wreck. Maybe it is my brain’s way of telling me that even in fleeting moments of doubt about this surgery that I will handle it like a champ and it is all gonna be okay.

That’s how I am taking it anyhow. Seven sleeps til I close this chapter and start a new one. *grins*

Until next time, sweet dreams.