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My mother had just turned 26 when I was born. When I was born Roe v Wade was 12 days away from being decided. When I was born, my mother couldn’t have a bank account or a credit card in her name. Maybe that is why after being separated from her husband for 2 years, his name was put on… Read more »

Saying Goodbye

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Black drawing of heart shaped cat nose with whiskers

I am floored by the outpouring of love for us and for Louis. He was loved by so many people, some he’d never met. Thank you for reaching out and sharing your stories with me. Thank you for the memorial gifts to animal rescues. Thank you so much. It’s not often I’m at a loss for words, but y’all are… Read more »

Cancer Sucks

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I know many of you love Louis as much as we do, and I didn’t want to spring awful news on you. I just needed a few days to let it sink in. Louis has cancer that has metastasized, he is on palliative care, and we are just trying to make his last bit of time with us as comfortable… Read more »

Safety of Women

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I am a survivor of violence towards women. My half-brother raped me when I was seven years old. Before that, he bullied me, punched me, attempted to drown me. I have physical & mental scars because of him. I had blocked many memories and held the truth close and tight. But when I was 21, I told Mamma. She didn’t… Read more »

My Toolbox

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I implement some of the things in my daily life to cope with my chronic illness and COVID. Talk Therapy – I am so grateful for my therapist. I highly recommend finding a therapist that helps you find the tools you need to maintain your mental wellness. I’ve known the joys of telehealth for years; Full-Time RVing has some pretty… Read more »

Atheist Guide to the Saints

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I do not believe in god – any god. Religions have always been a way of controlling the poor and disenfranchised by the powerful. The only way of making sense of things that made no sense has been religion. When it is and ever was just sleight of hand. The desire to know what happens when we die is strong… Read more »

Sharon Salzberg

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Mindfulness helps us get better at seeing the difference between what’s happening and the stories we tell ourselves about what’s happening, stories that get in the way of direct experience. Often such stories treat a fleeting state of mind as if it were our entire and permanent self. – Sharon Salzberg

Get Creative

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The best thing about creating something is that you are the only one that knows what it was SUPPOSED to look like. Don’t be so hard on yourself and make something. Creativity and ego cannot go together. If you free yourself from the comparing and jealous mind, your creativity opens up endlessly. Just as water springs from a fountain, creativity… Read more »

Eckhart Tolle

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Death is a stripping away of all that is not you. The secret of life is to “die before you die” – and find that there is no death. – Eckhart Tolle


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Today and every day, I am sad that I can not sit with you on a “beer night” while listening to good music and talking about life. There are so many things I still want to talk with you about. I know I’ve said this before but thank you so much for being my DADDY. Thank you for the help… Read more »